12 Uses For Vick’s Vapor Rub

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Being Sick is no fun!
You can have a stuffy nose, be all sniffly, or even a sore throat and headache! None of this is fun and makes you just absolutely miserable! Whenever you’re sick, you just want it to be over as fast as possible and hopefully it will be! However, sometimes sickness just has to run it’s course! But you can lessen the pain of the sickness! Vick’s Vapor Rub is an amazing product! It is so versatile and can be used for so many things! I’m going to tell you a few uses of the Vapor Rub!
1. If you have a sore throat, you can rub the vapor rub on your throat and will begin to soothe your sore throat.
2. Decongestant- Rub on your chest and under each nostril, it will make you feel suddenly so open and free
3. Minimize Coughing- If you rub Vapor Rub on your feet and cover with socks it will actually help less the amount of coughing that you do
4. Sore Muscles- Massage your sore muscles with Vick’s and you will have a sudden relief of pain!
5. Headaches- Similar to your sore muscles, you can massage your temples with Vick’s Vapor Rub and it will help soothe and heal your headaches!
6. Ear aches- Apply a small amount to a q-tip and apply to the inside of your ear to help get rid of your ear ache!
7. Nail Fungus-Vick’s helps cure your nail fungus as well as helps aid in the fix of the discoloration due to your infection!
8. Mosquito Repellant- Forget Bug Spray, apply Vick’s to your body and allow it to soak in, you’ll have no bugs around you being pesky and biting you!
9. Itchy Bug Bites- Apply this to your bug bites to help soothe them and take away the urge to itch!
10. Cracked Heels- Apply Vick’s to your heels and put socks on over it, sleep overnight and this will help you have baby soft feet and repair those cracks!
11. Acne- Apply Vick’s to your problem acne areas and it will help to dry out the acne causing it to be lessened and to go away.
12. Cold Sores- Apply to your cold sores to help soothe and get rid of them! Vick’s is great for healing your lips all the time, you can use it simply for a chap stick as well!