Making Your Children’s Lunches Special

Making Your Children’s Lunches Special

I may have been compensated for this post. Please keep in mind that it affects you in no way financially. If an item is being reviewed, I am not obligated to give a positive review and always use my own words. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. If you would like a review done contact Dannelle at


Let’s face it, our kids are back to work for 180 days. They are “working” full time and get a short break during their day for lunch. It is a time for you to remind them how much they are loved and that you are thinking of them as they sync back into a routine. Taking a few extra minutes to make a special lunch or even tuck a note into it so they know you are thinking of them are simple ways to make your children’s lunches special.


If you have been following me, you know that I love to make Bento lunches for Miss Sarah. I have shared how to make Bento Lunches and why it’s also an ecofriendly way to pack lunches.

I really love Bentology as first of all it is made in the USA! That is harder and harder to find and I really appreciate companies that invest into people in OUR country.

The built in portion control makes for simple healthy lifestyle lessons and the BPA free fact makes me comfortable as a parent, knowing that I can’t slowly poison Miss Sarah. Add in little things like it being leak-proof, and top-rack dishwasher safe? SCORE! It comes with all the little compartments so that you don’t have to invest in additional containers to make it creative.

Now, add technology: You can have weekly menu ideas sent to your email inbox or even use meal mapping with their iPhone app that even gives you a customized shopping list!

That is not just a company trying to sell you a lunch box, it’s a company trying to invest in our children and making them healthier.  I totally adore that!

bentology lunch kit review from with free printable cat lunch notes

We were also given a beyond cute insulated lunch bag that was adorned with kitties! Sarah was the envy of the lunchroom as she shared what cool treats were slowly uncovered. There are also several other Bentology lunch kit varieties if you aren’t a cat fan and they run $39.99 for everything you see pictured.


Today I am sharing a fun printable kitty lunch note set (in honor of the kitty lunch box set) that you can use to add to even a brown bag lunch that shares the same message. Get my free printable lunch notes here: cat-lunch-notes

Pop a little magic in your child’s lunch and make their day!

disclosure: I was given Bentology products in exchange for a review, all thoughts are entirely my own. We love this durable product and Miss Sarah plans to use it for years to come!